Jay Fletcher Skateboard

A case study of taking inspiration and using a specific style from a graphic designer by learning what aesthetic elements were either unique or widely used in it with the use of Adobe Illustrator.

Oh…That’s Cute.

“Malana, you have Jay Fletcher!”

This project is to create a skateboard based on a graphic designer’s
style and use those visual elements in an illustration that best fits my Sarcastic phrase, “Oh…That’s Cute.” I enjoyed the simplicity, burst
of color, geometric, and structured visuals Jay Fletcher uses in his projects. His patterns appear so complex, yet looking closer, you can tell they are geometric shapes put together.

I took inspiration from one of his projects that involved a pelican, but I decided to use seagulls because seagulls are a-holes who only think about themselves and steal people’s food. Oh…That’s Cute is what I will often say when being polite when in reality, I can care less, respectfully.