Delta Airlines

A project that involves experimenting with Adobe Animate to create a company’s logo into motion while being in Brand and for Advertising.

Take Flight on Delta Airlines

This project was to create an animated logo motion for a specific company/organization by using Adobe Animate. I chose Delta Airlines because as soon as I researched their company, logo, and history, I
was instantly set on using their logo to create motion.

This project was very fun because it was recommended to be “Simplistic
but on brand” and one thing about me is how truly simplistic and straightforward I am. So, my motion graphic was simple and straight to
the point of expressing what Delta Airlines is providing to its audience,
taking them to their destination.

I focused heavily on the Twelve Principals of Animation that will best help represent Delta Airlines. Anticipation and Slow-In Slow-Out were used in
this motion. Can you find which part of these principles was used?

Delta Airlines Logo Animation received 1st place Award in Motion Graphic at the School of Performing & Visual Arts Student Show.

The Unknown of Space

(Adobe Animate Excercise)

The Unknown of Space was the second project in Adobe Animate in
Motion Graphics. We had to animate an environment, so I decided
to do space because I love the beautiful galaxy colors, but is also
afraid of what is out there that we do not know of. To express the
calming and peaceful sensation, but that sense of danger coming out
of nowhere.

I learned about using primary and ambient focus and sound to lead
the viewer’s eye to the main focal point and let that help in telling an interesting narrative. I had so much fun practicing with Adobe Illustrator creating my entire environment and objects and then using Animate to
bring them to life.